Sunday, May 16, 2010

lastest videos

Here is a couple of videos for you entertainment!!! enjoy son

me crossing the finish line- very happy and in pain!!!!

me coming out of the water after swimming 2.4 miles!!

Ironman St George!! 2.4 miles swim-112 mile bike- 26.2 mile run!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Well we only had one video this week. We missed jo jos bday- sorry. I keep forgetting to bring on the camera etc. We will get more ok. I added a blog to and I think lisa added to our blog. Ok.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here is a few more that i could not upload due to my computer was having problems!! I will keep the older ones up so you can always look at them if you want. I will try to add new videos each weeks if there is something interesting or maybe we will just do some letter-videos instead of writing etc. Enjoy!

Shea saying Hi to his favorite bro!!

Zaden showing you how he dances!!

Jorey showing you her progress!!

Clint saying Hi to Shyler!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For Shyler

A blog site to post videos, pictures, and comments for shyler to view while in Mexico.

Hey Shy here is some videos from my visit here in Utah. I am here enjoying your siblings and bro in laws bdays. Dont forget to wish them a Happy birthday!!! This will be your blog for new videos and pics!! Enjoy!!